Challenging the ΛCDM Paradigm: Dark Energy, DESI BAO, and the "Cosmic Calibration Tension"
Strings: Monday, 05/08/2024, 14:00, Room 226
Sebastian Murk (OIST, Okinawa)
Light rings and causality for nonsingular ultracompact objects sourced by nonlinear electrodynamics
Cosmo: Wednesday, 17/07/2024, 11:00
Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Montreal)
Searching for Cosmic Strings in New Observational Windows
Cosmo: Wednesday, 10/07/2024, 11:00
Diana López Nacir (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires)
Ultralight vector dark matter, anisotropies and cosmological adiabatic modes
Strings: Monday, 17/06/2024, 14:00
Tung Tran (University of Vienna, Vienna)
Quantum higher-spin Yang-Mills from the IKKT matrix model
Strings: Thursday, 13/06/2024, 14:00
Daniel Junghans (TU Wien, Vienna)
Problems with de Sitter in string theory
Cosmo: Wednesday, 12/06/2024, 11:00
Markus Fröb (University of Leipzig, Leipzig)
Invariant observables in quantum gravity and graviton loop corrections to the Hubble rate and the Newtonian potential
Cosmo: Thursday, 06/06/2024, 15:00
Tony Padilla (Nottingham University)
From number theory to QFT (and beyond)
Cosmo: Wednesday, 05/06/2024, 11:00
Florian Kühnel (Max Planck Institute, Munich)
Primordial Black Holes - Positivist Perspective and Quantum Quiddity
Cosmo: Thursday, 30/05/2024, 15:00
Oleg Zaslavskii (Kharkiv National University)
Black-hole bomb, confined Penrose process and particle decay near singularity
Cosmo: Wednesday, 29/05/2024, 11:00
Nicola Menadeo (Max Planck Institute, Potsdam)
Lensing of gravitational waves beyond General Relativity
Strings: Monday, 27/05/2024, 14:00
Libor Snobl (Czech Technical University, Prague)
Pairs of commuting quadratic elements in the enveloping algebra and integrable systems with magnetic fields
Cosmo: Wednesday, 22/05/2024, 11:00
Angelica Albertini (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
An effective-one-body gravitational waveform model for large-mass-ratio inspiralling black hole binaries
Strings: Monday, 20/05/2024, 14:00
Marcello Ortaggio (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
A new look at AdS black holes with conformal scalar hair
Cosmo: Wednesday, 15/05/2024, 11:00
Giovanni D'Addario (University of Nottingham, Nottingham)
Ringdowns for black holes with scalar hair: the large mass case
Strings: Monday, 06/05/2024, 14:00
Filip Blaschke (Silesian University, Opava and Czech Technical University, Prague)
Amplitude modulations and resonant dynamics of oscillons in 1+1 dimensions
Strings: Monday, 29/04/2024, 14:00
Salomon Zacarias (Masaryk University, Brno)
Aspects of AdS(3) solutions and holography
Cosmo: Wednesday, 24/04/2024, 11:00
Massimiliano Maria Riva (DESY, Hamburg)
Vanishing of Nonlinear Tidal Love Numbers of Schwarzschild Black Holes
Cosmo: Wednesday, 17/04/2024, 11:00
Amit Reza (Space Research Institute, Graz)
Machine Learning in Astrophysics: Pioneering the Dawn of a New Era
Strings: Monday, 15/04/2024, 14:00
Alena Pravdova (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Kerr-Schild double copy for Kundt spacetimes of any dimension
Cosmo: Wednesday, 10/04/2024, 11:00
Vincent Vennin (LPENS, Paris)
Clustering of primordial black holes from quantum diffusion during inflation
Cosmo: Wednesday, 03/04/2024, 11:00
Oriol Pujolas (IFAE, Barcelona)
Primordial black holes from domain wall networks
Cosmo: Wednesday, 27/03/2024, 11:00
Jibril Ben Achour (Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, Munich)
Exploring nonlinear gravitational waves in Horndeski theory
Cosmo: Wednesday, 13/03/2024, 11:00
Zvonimir Vlah (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb and KICC/DAMTP, Cambridge)
Constructing cosmological observables in the sky
Cosmo: Wednesday, 06/03/2024, 11:00
Federico Lelli (Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory)
MOND: observational evidences and open challenges
Strings: Monday, 04/03/2024, 14:00
Ulisses Portugal (IFT, Sao Paulo)
A two parameter family of hyperbolic string vertices
Cosmo: Wednesday, 28/02/2024, 11:00
Harry Desmond (ICG, Portsmouth)
Four ways of looking at the Radial Acceleration Relation
Cosmo: Wednesday, 21/02/2024, 11:00
Paolo Creminelli (ICTP, Trieste)
Positivity Constraints on Lorentz-breaking EFTs
Cosmo: Wednesday, 14/02/2024, 11:00
Emilio Bellini (SISSA, Trieste)
Probing Gravity with Line Intensity Mapping
Strings: Monday, 12/02/2024, 14:00, Room 226
Christian Northe (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
Entanglement Resolution and BCFT
Cosmo: Wednesday, 07/02/2024, 11:00
Erick Munive Villa and Jessica N. López Sánchez (CEICO, FZU, Prague)
Dark Matter Halos in the SFDM Model / The dynamics of astrophysical systems in numerical simulations
Cosmo: Wednesday, 31/01/2024, 11:00
Jakub Cehula (Charles University, Prague)
Theory of mass transfer in binary stars
Cosmo: Wednesday, 24/01/2024, 11:00
Denise Boncioli (LNGS and Università dell'Aquila)
Astrophysical and cosmogenic neutrinos: how to trace high-energy interactions in the Universe
Cosmo: Wednesday, 17/01/2024, 11:00
Jan Hamann (UNSW, Sydney, Australia)
Looking for inflationary features – the Bayesian way
Strings: Monday, 15/01/2024, 14:00, Room 226
Jakub Vosmera (IPhT, Saclay, France)
Topological defect lines in symmetric-product orbifolds and tensionless holography
Strings: Monday, 18/12/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Jan Pulmann (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Chern-Simons observables, Poisson structures and deformation quantization
Cosmo: Wednesday, 13/12/2023, 15:15
Matthew Lewandowski (ETH Zürich, Institute of Theoretical Physics)
The BOSS bispectrum analysis at one loop from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure
Strings: Monday, 11/12/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Paolo Rossi (CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences & Charles University)
Wormholes and surface defects in rational ensemble holography
Cosmo: Wednesday, 29/11/2023, 11:00
Santiago Casas (Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology -- RWTH Aachen University)
What will Large Scale Structure tell us about Dark Energy in the next decade?
Strings: Monday, 27/11/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Vit Tucek (Huawei Technologies, Sweden)
Grassmannian signalling
Cosmo: Wednesday, 22/11/2023, 11:00
Francesco di Filippo (Charles University)
Hearts of Darkness: Nonsingular Black Holes Beyond General Relativity
Strings: Monday, 20/11/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Petr Vasko (Charles University)
Introduction to celestial holography
Cosmo: Wednesday, 15/11/2023, 11:00
Francesca Calore (LAPTH -- Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique -- CNRS)
Probing light particles with high-energy astrophysics
Strings: Monday, 13/11/2023, 14:00, Room 226
David Kubiznak (Charles University)
Shall Bekenstein's Area Law Prevail ?
Strings: Friday, 10/11/2023, 11:15, Room 226
Shai Chester (Imperial College, London)
Gluon scattering in AdS at finite string coupling
Cosmo: Wednesday, 08/11/2023, 11:00, Lecture Hall
Michal Bilek (LERMA -- Observatoire de Paris)
Can the observation of globular clusters in low-mass galaxies exclude the MOND modified gravity theory?
Strings: Monday, 06/11/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Tomas Prochazka (CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Bethe equations and 2d conformal field theory
Cosmo: Wednesday, 1/11/2023, 11:00, FZU main lecture hall
Adam Pound (University of Southampton)
Progress in gravitational self-force theory: recent advances in modelling asymmetric binaries
Strings: Monday, 30/10/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Gideon Vos (CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Emergent KMS-states in 2d CFTs with large central charge
Cosmo: Wednesday, 25/10/2023, 11:00, Lecture Hall
Ivana Ebrova (Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Stellar kinematics and merger histories of early-type galaxies in large-scale cosmological simulations and beyond
Cosmo: Wednesday, 18/10/2023, 11:00, Solid-21
Kara Farnsworth (University of Geneva)
The Newman-Penrose Map and the Classical Double Copy
Strings: Monday, 16/10/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Canberk Sanli (CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Superconformal index for quivers
Cosmo: Wednesday, 04/10/2023, 11:00, Room 226
Oyvind Christiansen (University of Oslo)
Late-time domain walls in cosmological simulations
Strings: Monday, 02/10/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Ruggero Noris (CEICO, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Supergravity and the embedding tensor formalism
Cosmo: Tuesday, 15/08/2023, 14:00
Andrei Frolov (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Classical mechanics with inequality constraints
Strings: Tuesday, 08/08/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Montreal)
Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from the BFSS Matrix Model
Strings: Monday, 26/06/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Siddharth Prabhu (TIFR, Mumbai)
Holography and boundary observables in asymptotically flat spacetimes
Cosmo: Wednesday, 21/06/2023, 11:00, room 117
Dina Traykova (Potsdam Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Relativistic drag forces on black holes from scalar dark matter clouds
Strings: Tuesday, 20/06/2023, 14:00, Room 226
Jaroslav Trnka (Charles University, Prague)
Non-perturbative Amplituhedron Geometries
Cosmo: Wednesday, 14/06/2023
Mehrdad Mirbabayi (ICTP, Italy)
A lower bound on dark matter mass
Colloquium: Tuesday, 13/06/2023
Julio Navarro (University of Victoria, Canada)
Going Non-Linear: Contrasting LCDM with the internal properties of galaxies
Cosmo: Wednesday, 07/06/2023
Jiří Podolský (Charles University, Prague)
A new metric form of the whole class of type D black holes
Cosmo: Wednesday, 31/05/2023
Adolfo Cisterna (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile)
Ehlers Transformations as a Tool for Constructing Accelerating NUT Black Holes
Cosmo: Wednesday, 24/05/2023
Jorge Ovalle (Silesian University, Opava)
Black holes without Cauchy horizons and integrable singularities
Cosmo: Wednesday, 10/05/2023
Arttu Rajantie (Imperial College London)
Stochastic effective theory for scalar fields in de Sitter space
Cosmo: Wednesday, 03/05/2023
Luca Santoni (APC, Paris)
Dissipative Inflation with Scalar Particle Production
Strings: Tuesday, 02/05/2023, 14:00, room 226
Ido Ben-Dayan (Ariel University, Israel)
New themes in Cosmology
Cosmo: Wednesday, 26/04/2023, 11:00, main lecture hall
Juan Manuel Armaleo (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Probing spin-2 Ultra-Light Dark Matter (ULDM) with pulsars and gravitational waves
Cosmo: Wednesday, 19/04/2023
Stéphane Ilić (IJCLab, France)
More than the sum of its parts: joint analysis of LSS and CMB experiments
Strings: Monday, 17/04/2023, 14:00, room 226
Alfredo Iorio (Charles University, Prague)
The three 'layers' of graphene monolayer and their analog GUPs (continued)
Cosmo: Wednesday, 12/04/2023, 11:00, lecture hall
Nicolas Lecoeur (IJCLab, France)
Selecting Horndeski theories without apparent symmetries and their black hole solutions
Strings: Monday, 03/04/2023, 14:00, room 226
Igor Khavkine (Institute of Mathematics, Prague)
A look at the geometry of the 5-dimensional charged rotating black hole
Cosmo: Wednesday, 29/03/2023
Justin C. Feng (IST Lisbon, Portugal)
The Weiss variation in gravitation theory
Strings: Monday, 27/03/2023
Aaron Wall (Cambridge, UK)
The Off-shell String Effective Action
Cosmo: Wednesday, 22/03/2023
Oleg Lebedev (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Particle overproduction in the Early Universe
Cosmo: Wednesday, 15/03/2023
Sante Carloni (Charles University, Prague, Czechia)
Generalizing the coupling between spacetime and matter
Strings: Monday, 13/03/2023
Alfredo Iorio (Charles University, Czech republic)
The three 'layers' of graphene monolayer and their analog GUPs
Cosmo: Wednesday, 08/03/2023
Christian Käding (Technische Universität Wien, Austria)
Directly computing reduced density matrices with influence functionals
Cosmo: Wednesday, 01/03/2023
Nuno M. Santos (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Synchronized bosonic hair: equilibrium solutions
Strings: Monday, 27/02/2023
Karapet Mkrtchyan (Imperial College, UK)
A novel Lagrangian formulation for (chiral) p-forms and their interactions
Cosmo: Wednesday, 22/02/2023
Daniela Doneva (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Gravitational waves as a test of fundamental physics
Strings: Monday, 20/02/2023
Thomas Mertens (UGhent, Belgium)
From JT to 3d pure gravity
Cosmo: Wednesday, 15/02/2023
Vitor Cardoso (IST Lisbon, Portugal)
Testing the existence of black hole horizons
Strings: Monday, 13/02/2023
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis (Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia)
Geometry on higher structures and the BV formalism
Cosmo: Wednesday, 08/02/2023
Armando di Matteo (INFN Torino, Italy)
Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays: what we know and what we don't, and possible "new physics" implications
Strings: Thursday, 02/02/2023
René Meyer (University of Wurzburg, Germany)
Approaches to Discrete Holography
Cosmo: Wednesday, 01/02/2023
Stefano Savastano (Potsdam Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Observing Continuous Gravitational Waves lensed by Sgr A*
Cosmo: Wednesday, 25/01/2023
Thomas Sotiriou (University of Nottingham, UK)
Strong Gravity and Fundamental Physics
Strings: Monday, 23/01/2023
Ivano Basile (LMU, Germany)
Infinite distances in multicritical CFTs and higher-spin holography
Cosmo: Wednesday, 11/01/2023
David Kubiznak (Charles University, Prague, Czechia)
Remarkable symmetries of rotating black holes
Strings: Monday, 12/12/2022, 14:00, room 226
Dieter van den Bleeken (Bogazici University, Turkey)
Bosonic supersymmetry
Cosmo: Thursday, 08/12/2022, 16:00, SOLID building lecture hall
Marco Chianese (Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy)
Novel probes of sub-GeV dark matter
Cosmo: Thursday, 01/12/2022, 16:00, lecture hall
Luc Blanchet (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Dark matter at galactic scales & MOND
Strings: Monday, 14/11/2022
Pranjal Nayak (CERN, Switzerland)
Random Matrices in the Quantum Mechanical Description of Black Holes
Cosmo: Thursday, 10/11/2022, 16:00, lecture hall
Andrew Miller (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Probes of dark matter with gravitational-wave detectors
Strings: Monday, 07/11/2022, room 226 14:00
Blagoje Oblak (l'Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Flat JT Gravity and the Schwarzian of BMS2
Cosmo: Thursday, 03/11/2022, 16:00, lecture hall
Giorgio Torrieri (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil)
The equivalence principle and inertial-gravitational decoherence
Strings: Thursday, 03/11/2022, room 226 15:00
Jordan Francois (U. Mons, Belgium)
Presymplectic structure of gauge theories: boundaries, edge modes, variational connections and all that…
Strings: Monday, 31/10/2022, 11:00, room 226
Eugenia Boffo (Charles University, Czech republic)
Spin field for the N=1 particle in the worldline
Cosmo: Thursday, 27/10/2022
Enrico Barausse (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Gravitational wave generation in effective field theories of dark energy
Strings: Monday, 24/10/2022
Swapnamay Mondal (Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, Ireland)
Supersymmetric black holes and TTbar deformation
Cosmo: Thursday, 20/10/2022, 16:00, lecture hall
Katy Clough (Queen Mary University, London, UK)
Black holes in fundamental field environments - the impact of initial data
Strings: Monday, 17/10/2022
Chrysoula Markou (UMons, Belgium)
Advances in spin-2 physics
Cosmo: Thursday, 13/10/2022
Rafael Porto (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)
Precision Gravity: From the LHC to LISA and ET
Cosmo: Thursday, 06/10/2022
Yuichi Miyashita (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Topological defects in nonlocal field theories
Strings: Monday, 03/10/2022, 14:00, room 226
Shlomo Razamat (Technion, Israel)
On IR dualities across dimensions
Diana López Nacir (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Cosmological perturbations for Self-Interacting Warm Dark Matter scenario, numerical implementation and some observational constraints
Shun-Pei Miao (National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan)
Gauge Independent Effective Field Equations
Richard P. Woodard (University of Florida at Gainesville, USA)
Summing Large Logarithms from Loops of Inflationary Gravitons
Alexander Zhuk (Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, Ukraine & Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), Görlitz, Germany)
Relativistic approach to the large-scale structure formation: cosmic screening vs. gevolution
13/06/2022, 14:00, room 226
Souvik Banerjee (Wurzburg, Germany)
Wormholes, Berry phases and factorization
Matteo Fasiello (IFT, Madrid, Spain)
Probing the Early Universe with Gravitational Waves
06/06/2022, 14:00, room 226
Matthijs Hogervorst (EPFL Lausanne, France)
Cosmology meets Conformal Bootstrap
Gianmassimo Tasinato (Swansea University, UK)
Probing the Physics of Inflation with Gravitational Wave Experiments
30/05/2022, 14:00, room 226
Max Guillen (Upsalla, Sweden)
Pure Spinor Field Theory Description of 10D super-Yang-Mills: Scattering Amplitudes and Color-Kinematics Duality
Lavinia Heisenberg (Heidelberg University, Germany)
Tensions in LCDM and how to solve them
23/05/2022, 14:00, room 226
Claire Zukowski (UvA, Netherlands)
Virasoro Entanglement Berry Phases
Michal Artymowski (Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland)
New applications of unparticles: Inflation, dark energy, bouncing cosmologies, and the Hubble tension
16/05/2022, 14:00, room 226
Lorenz Eberhardt (IAS Princeton, USA)
Off-shell Partition Functions in 3d Gravity
Earl Bellinger (Max Planck Institute, Garching, Germany)
Asteroseismic probes of stellar evolution and fundamental physics
Caner Unal (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
Spin in Active BHs and properties of ultralight particles
Jose Beltran Jimenez (University of Salamanca, Spain)
Quicksand in Affinesia
25/04/2022, 14:00, room 226
Alex Belin (CERN, Switzerland)
Quantum chaos, OPE coefficients and wormholes
Marek Lewicki (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Search for new physics through primordial gravitational waves
Pavel K. Kovtun (University of Victoria, Canada)
Hydrodynamics beyond hydrodynamics
Dong-Gang Wang (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Bootstrapping Inflation: cosmological correlators with broken boosts
Christos Charmousis (IJCLab Orsay, France)
Compact objects in scalar tensor theories
Sergey Ketov (Leibniz University Hannover, Germany & Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
Formation of primordial black holes after Starobinsky inflation in supergravity
Daniel Green (UC, San Diego, USA)
A Tail of Eternal Inflation
Dmitri Semikoz (APC Paris, France)
Measurements of cosmological magnetic fields in the voids of large scale structure
24/02/2022, 16:00, lecture hall
Matthias Bartelmann (ITP, Heidelberg University, Germany)
Sk Jahanur Hoque (Charles University, Prague, Czechia)
Mass loss law for weak gravitational fields: With a positive cosmological constant
Ke-Pan Xie (Nebraska University, USA)
Primordial black holes from a cosmic phase transition: The collapse of Fermi-balls
Alexander Ganz (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
Minimally modified gravity and its phenomenological properties
Adolfo Cisterna (TIFPA-INFN, Trento, Italy)
Taub-NUT spacetimes at the service of exact black bounces: Black holes, wormholes and bouncing cosmologies with a self-interacting scalar field
Valerie Domcke (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Cosmology with axion-like particles
Marco Crisostomi (SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
Gravitational wave generation in dark energy theories
Ville Vaskonen (IFAE, Barcelona, Spain)
Probing dark matter through gravitational waves
Anamaria Hell (LMU, Munich, Germany)
Exploring the dualities of massive gauge theories: Aμ vs. Bμν
Graham White (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Archaeology on the origin of matter
Tomislav Prokopec (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Quantum origin of dark energy and the Hubble tension
Camilo Garcia Cely (DESY, Germany)
The CMB as a detector of gravitational waves
Stian Hartman (University of Oslo, Norway)
Self-interacting Bose-Einstein condensed dark matter; cosmological constraints and simulations
Farbod Hassani (University of Oslo, Norway)
Characterizing the non-linear evolution of dark energy and modified gravity models
Roman Konoplya (Peoples' Friendship U., Moscow, Russia)
Traversable wormholes in General Relativity without exotic matter
Anton Baleato Lizancos (UC Berkeley, USA)
Fundamental Physics with CMB Lensing and Delensing
Jan Burger (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland)
Conservation of radial actions in time-dependent spherical potentials
Academic year 2020/2021
17/06/2021 - 4pm, Marco Astorino (INFN, Milano, Italy), Multi-black holes at equilibrium in an external gravitational field
10/06/2021 - 4pm, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine (University of New Mexico), A cosmological dark matter collider experiment
27/05/2021 - 4pm, Daniel Litim (University of Sussex, UK), Asymptotic safety - from particle physics to quantum gravity
20/05/2021 - 4pm, Macarena Lagos (Columbia University, NY, USA), Interacting Gravitational Waves
13/05/2021 - 4pm, Swetha Bhagwat (Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy), Merger-ringdown consistency test
06/05/2021 - 4pm, Viviana Niro (APC Paris, France), Neutrinos from galactic sources
29/04/2021 - 4pm, Emel Altas (Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Turkey), Nonstationary energy in general relativity and approximate analytical description of apparent horizons for initial data with momentum and spin
22/04/2021 - 4pm, Teodor Borislavov Vasilev (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain), Classical and quantum f(R) cosmology: The big rip, the little rip and the little sibling of the big rip
15/04/2021 - 4pm, Famaey Benoit (Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, France), MOND: phenomenological review and constraints for model-building
25/03/2021 - 4pm, Johannes Noller (Cambridge University - DAMTP, UK), Testing gravity on all scales
18/03/2021 - 4pm, Kazuya Koyama (Portsmouth U., ICG, UK), General relativistic weak-field limit and Newtonian N-body simulations
11/03/2021 - 4pm, Raissa Mendes (Universidade Federal Fluminenense, Brazil), Probing general relativity with the most extreme neutron stars
04/03/2021 - 4pm, Ali Seraj (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Gravitational memory in modified gravity and two-form symmetries
18/02/2021 - 4pm, François Larrouturou (IAP Paris, France), Refocus on the essentials: introducing the Minimal Theory of Bigravity
11/02/2021 - 4pm, Ondrej Hulik (Charles University, Prague), Generalized and Exceptional geometry, A Unified Framework
04/02/2021 - 4pm, Giulia Cusin (Universite de Geneve, Switzerland), Catalogue and background description of a population of GW sources: features, complementarities and caveats.
28/01/2021 - 4pm, Paolo Benincasa (IFT Madrid, Spain), Towards a reformulation of QFT in expanding universes.
21/01/2021 - 4pm, Timothy Anson (Universite Paris-Saclay, France), Disforming the Kerr metric
14/01/2021 - 4pm, Siddharth Prabhu (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India), The holographic nature of quantum information storage in asymptotically flat spacetimes
17/12/2020 - 4pm, Oksana Iarygina (Leiden University, NL), The physical mass scales of multi-field preheating
10/12/2020 - 4pm, Horng Sheng Chia (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA), Tidal Deformation and Dissipation of Rotating Black Holes
03/12/2020 - 4pm, Antony Lewis (University of Sussex, UK), Concordance, tensions and gravitational lensing
26/11/2020 - 4pm, Eiichiro Komatsu (Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Germany), Hunting for parity-violating physics in polarisation of the cosmic microwave background
19/11/2020 - 4pm, Mikhail Shaposhnikov (EPFL), Einstein-Cartan gravity: Inflation, Dark Matter and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
12/11/2020 - 4pm, William Barker (Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge, UK), Dark energy and radiation from the novel gauge gravity theories
05/11/2020 - 4pm, Fedor Bezrukov (University of Manchester, UK), What do we know about preheating in Higgs Inflation and its relatives?
22/10/2020 - 4pm, Eugene Lim (King's College London, UK), Challenging the Inflationary Paradigm
15/10/2020 - 4pm, Filippo Camilloni (University of Perugia, IT and Niels Bohr Institute, DK), Moving away from the Near-Horizon Attractor of the Extreme Kerr Force-Free Magnetospheres
08/10/2020 - 4pm, Anne Green (University of Nottingham, UK, Primordial Black Holes as a dark matter candidate
12/03/2020, 16:00 Keigo Shimada (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Metric-affine Geometry and Ghost-free structure of Scalar-tensor Theories
02/03/2020, 14:00 Tarek Anous (University of Amsterdam), Areas and entropies in BFSS/gravity duality
27/02/2020, 16:00 Elias Kiritsis (APC, Paris & Crete University), Emergent gravity from Hidden sectors
20/02/2020, 16:00 Georgios Loukes-Gerakopoulos (Astronomical Institute, Prague), Model agnostic approaches to cosmology
13/02/2020, 16:00 Paolo Creminelli (ICTP, Trieste), Initial Conditions for Inflation
30/01/2020, 16:00 Tomas Ledvinka (Charles University, Prague), Dynamic vacuum spacetimes in a computer
29/01/2020, 14:00 Harold Erbin (University of Turin), Machine learning for QFT
23/01/2020, 16:00 Chris Clarkson (Queen Mary University of London) - CANCELLED , General relativity in the era of large scale surveys
16/12/2019, 16:00 Pavel Motloch (CITA, Toronto), Galaxy spins as probes of fundamental physics
12/12/2019, 16:00 Filippo Vernizzi (Universite Paris Saclay), Dark energy after gravitational wave observations
28/11/2019, 16:00 Guillermo Ballesteros (Autonoma University, Madrid), Primordial black hole dark matter from inflation
21/11/2019, 16:00 Giovanni Acquaviva (Charles University, Prague, CZ), Emergent gravity, Bekenstein bound and unitarity
04/11/2019, 16:00 Dionysios Anninos, de Sitter horizons and sphere partition functions
17/10/2019, 16:00 Sk Jahanur Hoque, Conserved charges in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes
10/10/2019, 16:00 Cosimo Bambi, Testing general relativity using X-ray reflection spectroscopy
03/10/2019, 14:00 Dalimil Mazac, Sphere packing, quantum gravity and extremal functionals
02/10/2019, 11:00 Thales Azevedo, (DF)^2 gauge theories and strings
01/10/2019, 14:00 Poulami Nandi, Field Theories with Conformal Carrollian Symmetry
30/09/2019, 14:00 Antoine Bourget, The Higgs Mechanism - Hasse Diagrams for Symplectic Singularities
19/09/2019, 16:00 Gizem Sengor, Unitarity at the Late Time Boundary of de Sitter
16/08/2019, 14:00 Tomas Prochazka, Thermodynamics Bethe Ansatz
12/08/2019, 14:00 Camilo Garcia-Cely, Self-interacting Spin-2 Dark Matter
01/08/2019, 16:00 Andrei Frolov, Cosmic dust is everywhere
22/07/2019, 14:00 Agnes Ferte, Probing The Accelerated Universe Through Weak Lensing
19/07/2019, 14:00 Xingang Chen, Probing the Origin of the Big Bang Cosmology
16/07/2019, 14:00 Leonardo Modesto, Nonlocal Quantum Gravity
15/07/2019, 11:00 Mirek Rapcak, On Miura transformation for $W_{n|m \times \infty}$ and related geometry
11/07/2019, 14:00 David Svoboda, Paracomplex Geometry and Twisted Supersymmetry
08/07/2019, 14:00 Adolfo Cisterna, Homogenous AdS black strings in General Relativity and Lovelock theories
04/07/2019, 14:00 Cesar Arias, Higher Spins and Topological Strings
24/06/2019, 14:00 Andrea Fontanella, Hidden relativistic symmetry in AdS/CFT
10/06/2019, 14:00 Dmitry Gorbunov, Higgs inflation in weak coupling regime
07/06/2019, 14:00 Mairi Sakellariadou, Stochastic gravitational waves background and its anisotropies
04/06/2019, 13:30 Tanmay Vachaspati, A Classical-Quantum Correspondence
21/05/2019, 16:00 Julian Adamek, Gevolution v1.2 - relativistic N-body simulations and light-cone analysis
13/05/2019, 14:00 Tomislav Prokopec, Quantum corrections during inflation
10/04/2019, 14:00 Ogan Ozsoy, Probing Early Universe on Small Scales
25/03/2019, 14:00 James Bonifacio, Shift Symmetries in (Anti) de Sitter Space
18/03/2019, 14:00 Masahide Yamaguchi, Higher derivative scalar-tensor theory through a non-dynamical scalar field
14/03/2019, 16:00 Stefano Camera, Synergic cosmology across the spectrum
28/02/2019, 16:00 Gizem Sengor, A look at Cosmological Perturbations during Preheating with Effective Field Theory Methods
27/02/2019, 14:00 Antonio Racioppi, The Palatini side of inflationary attractors
25/02/2019, 14:00 Jakub Vicha, Probing the Universe at the Highest Energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
19/02/2019, 14:00 Yuji Satoh, TBA (room 226)
18/02/2019, 14:00 Vojtech Witzany, Spin-perturbed orbits near black holes
10/12/2018, 14:00 Shinji Mukohyama, Minimalism in modified gravity
26/11/2018, 14:00 Ondrej Pejcha, Explosive deaths of stars: core-collapse supernovae and stellar mergers
23/11/2018, 14:00 Rachel Houtz, Color Unified Dynamical Axion
22/11/2018, 16:00 Antonino Marciano, Non-dynamical torsion from fermions and CMBR phenomenology
20/11/2018, 14:00 Andrea Addazi, Gravitational waves from Dark bubbles in the early Universe
05/11/2018, 14:00 Subodh Patil, Tensor bounds on the hidden universe
25/10/2018, 16:00 Alexey Golovnev, Modified teleparallel gravity
16/10/2018, 14:00 Lasha Berezhiani, Superfluid Dark Matter
15/10/2018, 14:00 Hiroyuki Sagawa, Recent results of the Telescope Array experiment on ultra-high energy cosmic rays (Division Seminar)
15/10/2018, 11:00 Hidehiko Shimada, TBA
08/10/2018, 14:00 Katherine Freese, Inflationary Cosmology in Light of Cosmic Microwave Background Data
17/09/2018, 14:00 Elena de Paoli, A gauge-invariant symplectic potential for tetrad general relativity
30/07/2018, 13:30 Shun-Pei Miao, A Cosmological Coleman Weinberg Potentials and Inflation
27/07/2018, 14:00 Richard Woodard, A Nonlocal Metric Realization of MOND
26/07/2018, 14:00 Dam Thanh Son, From fractional quantum Hall effect to field-theoretical dualities
25/07/2018, 14:00 Oleg Teryaev, Graviitational formfactors and pressure in elementary particles
24/07/2018, 14:00 Renato Costa, Singularity free Universe in double field theory
18/07/2018, 14:00 Massimiliano Rinaldi, Scale-invariant inflation
17/07/2018, 14:00 Alessandro Drago, What do mergers of neutron stars tell us about nuclear physics?
16/07/2018, 14:00 Miroslav Rapcak, Representation Theory of Vertex Operator Algebras and Gukov-Witten defects
12/07/2018, 14:00 Jarah Evslin, Cosmic Expansion Anomalies as Seen by Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
03/07/2018, 14:00 Yi-Zen Chu, Theoretical Explorations in Gravitational Physics
28/06/2018, 14:00 Andreas Albrecht, Perspectives on Cosmic Inflation
27/06/2018, 14:00 Andreas Albrecht, Einselection and Equilibrium
26/06/2018, 14:00 Eugeny Babichev, Hamiltonian vs stability and application to scalar-tensor theories
25/06/2018, 14:00 Wojciech Hellwing, How to falsify CDM (and test its alternatives)?
15/06/2018, 11:00 Emre Kahya, Loop Corrections to Primordial non-Gaussianties
14/06/2018, 16:00 Emre Kahya, GW170817 Falsifies Dark Matter Emulators
12/06/2018, 14:00 Dam Thanh Son, Quantum Hall effect and field-theoretic dualities
06/07/2018, 14:00 Sébastien Clesse, Primordial Black Holes as the Dark Matter
21/05/2018, 14:00 Maksym Ovchynnikov , New physics at the intensity frontier
17/05/2018, 16:00 Lorenzo Pizzuti, Modified gravity with galaxy cluster mass profiles: from data to simulations
15/05/2018, 15:00 Santiago Casas, Model-independent tests of gravity with present data and future surveys
07/05/2018, 14:00 Diego Blas, Probing dark matter properties with pulsar timing
04/05/2018, 14:00 Peter Tinyakov, Compact stars as dark matter probes
03/05/2018, 14:00 Jan Novák, Scalar perturbations of Galileon cosmologies in the mechanical approach in the late Universe
12/04/2018, 14:00 Tomi Koivisto, Symmetric Teleparallelism
10/04/2018, 14:00 Luca Marzola, The 21-cm Line
27/03/2018, 14:00 Julian Adamek, Evolving The Metric - N-body simulations for relativistic cosmology
20/03/2018, 14:00 Patrick Stengel, The Higgs boson can delay Reheating after Inflation
15/03/2018, 14:00 Ilidio Lopes, Impact of dark matter in stellar oscillations
20/02/2018, 14:00 Eric Bergshoeff, Gravity and the spin-2 planar Schroedinger equation
12/02/2018, 14:00 Roberto Oliveri, Gravitational multipole moments from Noether charges
01/02/2018, 16:00 Luca Visinelli, Axions in cosmology and astrophysics
30/01/2018, 14:00 Eleonora Villa, Theoretical systematics in galaxy clustering in LCDM and beyond
23/01/2018, 14:00 Petr Satunin, Constraints on violation of Lorentz invariance from atmospheric showers initiated by multi-TeV photons
12/12/2017, 14:00 David Svoboda, Twisted brackets, fluxes, and deformations of para-Kahler manifolds
11/12/2017, 16:00 Martin Roček, WZW models and generalized geometry
05/12/2017, 14:00 Dimitris Skliros, Coherent states in String Theory
04/12/2017, 14:00 Ed Copeland, Screening mechanisms and testing for them in cosmology and the laboratory
30/11/2017, 14:00 Marc Gillioz, Sum Rules for the "c" Anomaly in 4 Dimensions
28/11/2017, 14:00 Sugumi Kanno, Decoherence of Bubble Universes
27/11/2017, 14:00 Rachel Houtz, Little Conformal Symmetry and Neutral Naturalness
08/11/2017, 14:00 Pierre Fleury, Weak lensing with finite beams
07/11/2017, 14:00 Frederik Lauf, Classification of three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter theories
06/11/2017, 14:00 Andrei Gruzinov, Particle production by real (astrophysical) black holes
23/10/2017, 14:00 George Pappas, Neutron stars as matter and gravity laboratories
16/10/2017, 14:00 Tessa Baker, Tests of Beyond-Einstein Gravity
02/10/2017 14:00 Piotr Surowka New developments in hydrodynamics
08/09/2017, 14:00 Dani Figueroa Higgs Cosmology: implications of the Higgs for the early Universe
06/09/2017, 14:00 Sergey Ketov Starobinsky inflation in supergravity
06/09/2017, 11:00 Dalimil Mazáč Analytic conformal bootstrap and QFT in AdS2
29/06/2017, 14:00 Bruce Bassett Rise of the Machine: AI and Fundamental Science
28/06/2017, 14:00 Dmitri Semikoz Signatures of a two million year old nearby supernova in antimatter data
02/06/2017, 14:00 David Alonso Science with future ground-based CMB experiments
22/05/2017, 14:00 Mathieu Langer Magnetizing the intergalactic medium during reionization
16/05/2017, 16:00 Sergey Sibiryakov Counts-in-cells statistics of cosmic structure
25/04/2017, 14:00 Ippocratis Saltas What can unimodular gravity teach us about the cosmological constant?
12/04/2017, 14:00 Andrei Nomerotski Status and Plans for Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
06/04/2017, 14:00 Alex Vikman The Phantom of the Cosmological Time-Crystals
03/04/2017, 14:00 Jnan Maharana Scattering of Stringy States and T-duality
27/03/2017, 14:00 Michal Bilek Galaxy interactions in MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND)
27/02/2017, 16:00 Misao Sasaki, Signatures from inflationary massive gravity
23/02/2017, 14:00 Misao Sasaki, Inflation and Beyond
14/12/2016, 14:00 Giovanni Acquaviva,Dark matter perturbations with causal bulk viscosity
09/12/2016, 14:00 David Pirtskhalava Relaxing the Cosmological Constant
14/11/2016, 14:00 Glenn Barnich, Finite BMS transformations
18/10/2016 14:00 Eugeny Babichev, Gravitational origin of dark matter